We are dedicated in bringing you the best news, tips and tricks on how to travel the world as a voyeur, and how to meet and see all kinds of girls and women from all over the world, preferably when they are naked or in other way exposed. This is the new travel style and you will find it more interesting than anything you’ve tried before. It is cheap, easy and very fun to do, specially if you follow our advice and learn from our experiences.
World as seen by a voyeur
World, and all the girls in it, are your oyster. Yes, it is a modified phrase but it perfectly says what we’ll show, demonstrate and talk about on this website. With voyeurism, you’ll see much more than simple sightseeing of buildings and city monuments. You’ll see real girls and women, specific to your destination and of course, with a very specific body, tits, ass and pussy, in and out of clothes. You’ll see and find out that sexy is defined differently in every country and you’ll get to see it all, in secret, without anyone noticing.

Sky is the limit really, and all it takes is a backpack, a little bit of money and a desire to see new places, new people and to peep and spy on things that you were never intended to see. All the hot girls that you’ve seen online from far away countries are within reach and within travel range. All you have to do is decide that you want to have a good life of a ballsy voyeur.
Hot girls from all over the world
Every location, city or country in the world, have their own kind of beautiful women and sexy girls. Clothes, behavior, skin, face, body, everything varies, but there is beauty to be enjoyed just about everywhere. We will show you gorgeous girls from all across the world, with or without their knowledge. Some girls are into dating and having one night stand sex with strangers and some are tougher nuts to crack, and those we discreetly peep on with candid and hidden cameras. That is the way of an uber tramp.
Life of a voyeur tramp
You probably know that the word tramp has several meanings. One meaning would be that it is a slutty woman that has sex with everybody. Other definition says a tramp is a vagrant that cheaply travels, goes from place to place to find work and food. Well, we now have a new definition, and we call it uber tramp. Uber tramp is a person that travels and explores the sexual aspect of places that he visits. Uber tramp will either see the nude girls as a voyeur or he’ll have sex with them, depending on what the options are. You’ll soon discover that it is a lot of fun to be an Uber tramp.